Meet the Staff

Pastor Joshua Wiley

Pastor Joshua joined Grace Lutheran Church in January 2019. He grew up in various parts of western Washington and until just a few years ago, he lived in the State of Washington his whole life. He did spend a year in Japan during high school as an exchange student.

In college (Washington State), he got a degree in criminal justice and elementary education.  Why both you may be wondering?  He was almost finished with the criminal justice one when he happened to volunteer at a kindergarten and he found that he loved teaching little kids so he switched over.  After graduating, he worked in a child care center and taught as a substitute for a number of years. Later, he also tutored high school students. 

While working at the place where he tutored, he met an older lady who invited him to dinner and it turned out her husband was a pastor and before too long, he was attending their church and soon enough Jesus saved him.  And it only took about 30 years for Joshua to finally admit "I needed Him!"

If you have any questions or just want to talk, please drop in. 

Robbie Burum, Office Administrator

Robbie joined Grace Lutheran Church in February 2018.

Business Experience: accounting, human resources and business administration.

Family: Jordan Burum (son), Jillian Burum (daughter), Jackson Burum (son) and Josephine Burum-Tankersley (daughter).

Karen Kenehan, Director at GCCC

Karen joined Grace Christian Children's Center in December 2022.

Experience: After our second daughter was born, I became a stay-at-home mom of two and that was where I made the decision to change my career completely. I then received my AA in Communications in 2020 and shortly after received my BA in Communications in 2022. During that time I also went back to work full-time with the Los Angeles Superior Court where I gained experience in training and working for a large organization. Prior to relocating our family 937 miles away, I received a job offer with the Multnomah County Courthouse where I worked briefly.

Family: I am married to my husband and we have two daughters, Skylar and Lellah. We also live with our two Dobermans, Jax and Annie. 

Hobbies: My family and I love going camping and being outdoors with one another. We also love doing DIY projects on our home and enjoy cooking/entertaining our loved ones!

Favorite Scripture: "Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path" Psalm 119:105

Why Grace? What lead you here? What lead me here was the undeniable desire to feel a sense of purpose for where I choose to devote my time. I truly feel I was led here and that God equipped with the skills necessary to fulfil this purpose He had planned for me all along. It’s hard to put into words, but overall I am just grateful that I get to join this incredible staff who has the same desire to spread the love of Jesus like I do!



